List of Ontario municipalities prohibiting or allowing cannabis retail stores

View a list showing which cities and towns in Ontario either allow or ban cannabis retail stores.

Ontario municipalities had a one-time option to opt-out of having cannabis retail stores in their communities. Municipalities had until January 22, 2019 to inform the AGCO if they wished to opt out. Municipalities that chose to opt out can opt back in at any time—but once they are in, they may no longer opt out.

If the AGCO did not received written notification from a municipality by January 22, 2019, then, by default, private cannabis retail stores will be allowed within that jurisdiction beginning April 1, 2019.

Municipality Status Date of resolution Sort ascending
Adelaide-Metcalfe, Township of Opted-in
Sundridge, Village of Opted-in
St. Thomas, City of Opted-in
Coleman, Township of Opted-in
Elliot Lake, City of Opted-in
Aurora, Town of Opted-in
North Middlesex, Municipality of Opted-in
Nipigon, Township of Opted-in
Centre Hastings, Municipality of Opted-in
Sault Ste. Marie, City of Opted-in
Port Hope, Municipality of Opted-in
Peterborough, City of Opted-in
Goderich, Town of Opted-in
Quinte West, City of Opted-in
Burlington, City of Opted-in
Lake of Bays, Township of Opted-in
East Garafraxa, Township of Opted-in
Halton Hills, Town of Opted-in
Kapuskasing, Town of Opted-in