8.0 Record Keeping Requirements

8.1 Licensees must ensure that the following records are maintained, retained a minimum of  three (3) years, or longer as may be required by other laws and regulations, and made available to the AGCO in accordance with the Notification Requirements or upon request [Amended: June 2022]:

  1. employee records, including names, addresses, primary job responsibilities, shift schedules, training records, CPIC records check results, and dates of employment
  2. records for all cannabis in the authorized store, including cannabis purchased directly from the OCRC and cannabis transferred from another authorized retail store operated by the Licensed Operator.  At a minimum, these records must contain information regarding:
    1. [Removed: May 2023]
    2. [Removed: May 2023]
    3. each sale transaction at the authorized store, online or by telephone, traceable to the employee level
    4. any cannabis that has been destroyed.  Records of any cannabis destroyed must include, at a minimum:
      1. [Removed: May 2023]
      2. [Removed: May 2023]
      3. [Removed: May 2023]
      4. a certificate of destruction, if destruction is carried out by a third party
      5. [Removed: May 2023]
      6. [Removed: May 2023]
      7. the reason for the destruction of the cannabis product
      8. the method of destruction.
  3. [Removed: May 2023] 
  4. records that may be required to support a cannabis product recall
  5. records demonstrating that the Licensee is complying with sections 7 and 8 of the Cannabis Control Act, 2017, which prohibit sales to persons under 19 years of age and persons who are or appear to be intoxicated.
  6. [Removed: May 2023] 
  7. [Removed: May 2023] 
  8. records of the name and address of purchaser and residential address where any cannabis is delivered. [Amended: March 2022]
  9. records of the specific authorized store(s) a licensed Retail Manager is accountable for. [New: March, 2021]
  10. When entering into any agreement or accepting any item, benefit or service pursuant to Standard 6.5, a licensee shall maintain the following records [New: June 2022]: 
    1. Copy of the complete agreement 
    2. Description of the item, benefit or service 
    3. Date of receipt of item, benefit or service 
    4. Name of licensed producer and representative and 
    5. Fair market value of the item, benefit or service 

8.2 Licensees must complete full physical inventory counts of all cannabis on a monthly basis at a minimum or upon the request of AGCO.

A log of the inventory results must be maintained and all discrepancies must be reported to the AGCO in accordance with the Notification Matrix and made available to the AGCO upon request.

8.3 Licensees must ensure that there are reasonable safeguards around data security and protection of data integrity, including point of sales systems and e-commerce systems.

8.4 Point of Sales systems and e-commerce systems must be certified by a recognized industry certification body or organization (e.g. PCI, ISO) and have logging capability for the purposes of monitoring all system access and system changes.