Need to manage your licence?
Manage your Licence to Represent a Manufacturer using our self-service iAGCO portal .
2-year term: $30.
4-year term: $60.
Contact us
Need help? Contact us now by email or telephone.
Renew your licence
You can select a two-year or four-year term when you renew your licence. The fees are the same as applying for a new licence.
The AGCO will remind you by email or mail 60 days and 7 days before your licence expires. You must apply to renew your licence and submit the right fee before this expiry date. You can apply to renew your licence through the iAGCO portal
If we get your application and fee(s) by the expiry date, we’ll send you confirmation of your renewal application. This will allow you to operate until you receive your renewed licence.
Important: expired licences can’t be renewed.
If the AGCO doesn’t get your renewal application by the expiry date on your ricence to represent a manufacturer, your licence will expire. It won’t be valid anymore.
You’ll have to apply for a new licence.
You can’t canvass, receive or take orders to sell liquor without a valid licence to represent a manufacturer.
To renew your licence to represent a manufacturer, you’ll need to submit the same information (minus the letter(s) of appointment) that you provided when you applied the first time.
Voluntary surrender of licence
If you decide to close your business, or you don’t want to have a licence to represent a manufacturer anymore, you must surrender your licence to the AGCO and submit a voluntary surrender of licence form.