Commissaires et juges peuvent inscrire un cheval sur la liste des d’officiels de course pour toute raison jugée appropriée. Pendant qu’il est sur cette liste, le cheval ne peut ni courir ni être inscrit à une course, conformément aux Règles sur les courses de chevaux de race Thoroughbred et aux Règles sur les courses de chevaux de race Standardbred.

Nom du cheval Race Ajouté le Retiré le Lieu Raison
EXIT SMILING Standardbred 2022-10-16 Rideau Carleton Raceway Performance
EXIT SMILING Standardbred 2024-03-28 The Raceway at Western Fair District Breaks
EYES FOR YOU Standardbred 2020-05-27 Rideau Carleton Raceway Breaks
EYES OF JUSTICE Standardbred 2023-10-03 The Raceway at Western Fair District Breaks
EZRA EXPRESS Standardbred 2021-06-13 Clinton Raceway Breaks
EZRA EXPRESS Standardbred 2020-12-09 The Raceway at Western Fair District Distanced
FANCY QUEEN Standardbred 2022-06-15 Grand River Raceway Breaks
FARMERS TAN Standardbred 2021-02-16 Rideau Carleton Raceway Coggins
FASHION CONTENDER Standardbred 2024-05-02 Mohawk Park Breaks
FASHION PRESIDENTE Standardbred 2023-12-21 Mohawk Park Breaks
FASTNET ROCK Standardbred 2024-05-05 Flamboro Downs Breaks
FATHER MAGIC Standardbred 2022-02-07 Mohawk Park Breaks
FAVARO SEELSTER Standardbred 2023-10-20 The Raceway at Western Fair District Performance
FAVORITE CANADIAN Standardbred 2020-12-11 The Raceway at Western Fair District Breaks
FAVORITE CANADIAN Standardbred 2021-03-04 The Raceway at Western Fair District Breaks
FAXOFLIFE HANOVER Standardbred 2021-06-24 Mohawk Park Breaks
FCEE N Standardbred 2022-05-08 Rideau Carleton Raceway Bled
FEARLESS SHELIA Standardbred 2024-03-15 Mohawk Park Performance
FERN HILL FANCY Standardbred 2021-11-05 Mohawk Park Breaks
FIGHTING FIT Standardbred 2023-08-08 Mohawk Park Breaks, Pulled Up - DNF, Performance



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